Wednesday 10 December 2014

Chinese Moral Story : One bowl of noodle

After a fight between a little girl and her mother, the little girl angrily left the house. Due to her hunger, she wandered in front of a noodle stall for a long time . The kind noodle boss saw her and her action. Without a word, he gave her a bowl of noodle. He said " Young girl , please eat it. I will not charge you any money ." The little girl accept it and start to eat.

While eating, she start to cry. She say to the noodle boss " Thank you , you don't recognize me and yet so good to me. I dislike my mother she scold me out of small matters and also told me not to come home. How cruel is she. "

The boss listened and softly said to the girl " Young girl, I have only give you a bowl of noodles and you gratefully thank me like I am your savior. Have you thought of your mother who cook for you noodle and rice for 10 years. How can you not appreciate her? How can you quarrel with her?" The girl listen it and feel very ashamed. She hurriedly finish the bowl of noodle and ran home .

Before she can reach her home, far away she can see her mother standing in the doorway, anxiously waiting for her.

Emotions can obscure our innate goodness. Makes us forget the kindness of our family. Hence always see the goodside of others, so that light of wisdom will shine upon your heart. Truth, kind , beauty , and wisdom will soon appear.

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