Sunday 14 December 2014

Chinese Moral Story: Two red date tree


This what red date looks like on a tree.

There was a family plat two red date tree, one was inside the yard and the other one was outside the yard. This year Autumn, the trees bared fruits. They were covered with red and green of dates . The children from the village unable to resist the temptation to eat the juicy red date. They grabbed the bamboo shoots and started to whip the red dates down. The poor tree had been plucked off all its fruits. It looked moribund. The tree that inside yard was protected by a majestic walls. Hence it did not suffer disturbance from the children.

After a year, the trees bared fruit again but a strange phenomenon occurred. The tree that was beaten badly bear more fruit than the one inside the yard. It had double the amount of red date than the other one . It has a strange temper , the more beating it gets, more fruit it will bear in the coming year. This mean the number of beating is directly proportional to amount the red dates. ^^

Red date tea are good for eyes.

In life, successful people are the same as the red date tree  because the hits and the frustration that you faced more than other people will stimulate the spirit to climb upward. At time of adversity, it can bloom more vibrant life force .

Nature's plants and trees , a mountain of stone , have a way of demonstrating their philosophy of life. As long as we use our heart to feel , we will be able to receive wisdom from nature .

So don't give up. At least remember Xiao Qiao will support you.
