Tuesday 16 December 2014

Chinese Moral Story : The Donkey that fell into the dry well

How are you little donkey.

   One day, a donkey accidentally fell into a dry well. The donkey tried to move around hoping to find an escape route. However the well it too deep and the donkey was unable to escape. The owner had no other choice but to look at it and feeling hopeless. The poor donkey brayed  loudly and looked distress.

  After several hours had pass. the bray of the donkey got softer as the time goes by. The owner thought that the donkey had met its end, so he reluctantly made the decision to fill up the well, burying the donkey alive. He feel that the donkey should deserve a pleasant burial ground.

  So the owner went home and picked up a shovel. Then he began fill the well with dirt. Shortly after that the donkey's bray can be heard from the well. He was shocked when he look down the well. Each shovel of sand onto the donkey, donkey will quickly shake them down. The donkey will then use its hooves and start stamping the dirt compacting it.Thus, as the dirt fill into the well, the donkey got higher and got nearer to the wellhead.

  After a while, dry well soon filled with dirt, the donkey able to escape from the well.

Shake it off. Shake it off. Yeah !!!

In life we often encounter similar situation. Even though we feel a lot of pain, we should look it as dirt that come to us, and we should all shake it to the ground and make it into our stepping stone. Learn from the donkey and follow Taylor Swift


Sunday 14 December 2014

Chinese Moral Story: Two red date tree


This what red date looks like on a tree.

There was a family plat two red date tree, one was inside the yard and the other one was outside the yard. This year Autumn, the trees bared fruits. They were covered with red and green of dates . The children from the village unable to resist the temptation to eat the juicy red date. They grabbed the bamboo shoots and started to whip the red dates down. The poor tree had been plucked off all its fruits. It looked moribund. The tree that inside yard was protected by a majestic walls. Hence it did not suffer disturbance from the children.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Chinese Moral Story : One bowl of noodle

After a fight between a little girl and her mother, the little girl angrily left the house. Due to her hunger, she wandered in front of a noodle stall for a long time . The kind noodle boss saw her and her action. Without a word, he gave her a bowl of noodle. He said " Young girl , please eat it. I will not charge you any money ." The little girl accept it and start to eat.

Mr. Tao Xingzhi The Man that support Practical Knowledge 陶行知

Mr. Tao Xingzhi

The man who hate bookworm that care only about high scores.

Is your education in your country emphasis only on getting high scores in exams? In my country, everyone memorize tons of facts just for exam. Facts that can easily obtained from google or wikipedia but tested in exams. In the year of 1917, Mr. Tao Xingzhi have against such education. Knowledge and application of knowledge should be closely linked together.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

The beginning of a new life.

I am still studying in a University and recently learn that posting article will earn money. Hence the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

I will translate work from http://cctv10.cntv.cn/. This website have many good article but it is not in English. I hope to get into this niche market. Thank you for your support.